Our Zone

Foster Children

A primary focus of the Sauer family and the Sauer Home Runs Foundation has been foster kids. Many children in the foster care system do not have an opportunity to attend summer camps, participate in organized sports, or play in healthy outdoor activities. The Sauer Home Runs Foundation provides foster care focused not-for-profit charities with resources that help special kids participate in outdoor adventures and athletics.

Military Families

Often times children of military parents are unable to participate in youth sports or attend a game because of fixed budgets or active-duty deployments. When a family is unable to afford equipment, they usually don’t enroll their child in activities. The Sauer Home Runs Foundation lends a hand and works with military support organizations to get these special kids equipped and enrolled in youth programs. Additionally, when their parent(s) return from active-duty service, we try to host them at a ball game.

Kids with Special Needs

Children with developmental and/or physical disabilities can be excluded from some activities or overlooked for specific sports. Sauer Home Runs partners with local non-profits that help special needs children enjoy the outdoors and play safely. We also support the regional Special Olympics, so every child can compete and succeed on the field.